Thursday, June 15, 2017

5/30/2017 + "Signals with Multiple Frequency Components" Lab



Today we learned about constructing the transfer function <H(omega)>. Transfer function could be one of the 4 things: Voltage gain, current gain, impedance, and admittance. We could let omega*j to be s, which would simplify the ratio more, and finds the zeros and poles of the function. Zeros is when numerator is zero, poles is when denominator is equal to zero.

"Signals with Multiple Frequency Components" Lab


We were assigned to calculate the gain as omega approaches zero and as omega approaches infinity

Our circuit:

In this lab we learned how to create a custom voltage input in waveform. 

The graph obtained from the custom input voltage vs the output voltage(green input, blue output):

We then did a frequency sweep:


From this experiment, we see that as omega approaches 0, the voltage gain of the circuit is 1/2, and as it approaches infinity, the voltage gain is 0. We could see from the graph that when it first started, the Vout (blue) is close to half the value of the Vin(green), and as omega goes higher, the ratio of Vout/Vin gets smaller and smaller.

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