Monday, May 29, 2017

5/9/2017 Classroom Activities + "RLC Circuit response"


Today we were taught the step response of both series and parallel RLC circuit.

First we were taught the step response of Series RLC circuit. Basically the voltage of the capacitor as a function of time will have 2 parts, the natural response which will die out with time, and a forced response, which is the voltage coming from the voltage source. We did a practice problem regarding step response of series RLC circuit:

We then went over step response of parallel RLC circuit. For parallel RLC circuit, instead of using KVL, we are applying KCL to the system. The equations come out pretty much the same as the series RLC circuit, but instead of relating it to voltage we relate it to the current. Practice problem regarding step response of parallel RLC circuit:

"RLC Circuit Response Lab"


We then went over finding the natural frequencies, neper frequency, resonant frequency, and the damped natural frequency:

Picture of our circuit:

Resistor Value:

Our wavegen graph that we get

Our values:


Using the technique learned to solve the step response of parallel RLC circuit, we could calculate the values of current and voltage of the different elements in this circuit, with slightly changing the formula for the voltage due to the extra resistor in the back of the inductor. We see some underdamping case again for this experiment, although it is not so large as the one that we see in the previous experiment. I found it pretty interesting how our Vin is also damped to some degree when it is seen in the oscilloscope.

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